El Médano has a Digital Directory, training courses and a mobile app
El Médano Accesible 2019 is part of a project promoted by the Regional Development Fund of the European Union and the Chamber of Commerce of Spain with him City Council of Granadilla de Abona developed under the title of “Subsidies for P Singular projects 2019 “
In that year, the ERDF funds and the Chamber of Spain developed a line of subsidies for modernization and digitization projects in commerce within the Open commercial areas of the municipalities of Spain. The Granadilla City Council participates and its project for the modernization of El Médano is chosen as eligible.
This allows carrying out the approved actions consisting of the development of three lines of action.

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First of all, a web page that will act as a digital directory and whose internet address is www.elmedanotenerife.es , which in addition to the commercial directory contains another series of utilities such as blog, weather, pharmacies on call, etc.
Secondly, the development of a directory mobile application called El Médano , operative for Apple mobiles as well as for those using the Android operating system.
And finally, the delivery of training courses in digital marketing and e-commerce for the entrepreneurs of this commercial nucleus and that allow them to give utility to the mobile application and the directory as well as to know the fundamentals of digital marketing and e-commerce
Any new company created in El Médano can join this initiative that the City Council proposes to expand to the rest of the commercial areas of the municipality as long as it is successful and can have financing for its development with new lines of the aforementioned funds.

For any questions you can contact the Local Development Agency of the Granadilla de Abona City Council, promoter of the project on the phone 922758111 or by email to aedl@granadilladeabona.org