Last Wednesday, January 27, 2021, the ROYAL DECREE 26 JANUARY REINFORCEMENT MEASURES IN FAVOR OF EMPLOYMENT was published which, although in its first articles it talks about the extension of the ERTES, it also establishes in its Title II, from article 5, a series of support measures for the self-employed.
These measures will cover the self-employed who, as of February 1, 2021, are forced to suspend their activities by a resolution of the competent authority or as indicated in its article 6 to those who have seen their income drastically reduced .
The general requirements to be able to access these grants are be registered as self-employed and have quota payments up-to-date, have net returns in the first half of 2021 lower than € 6,650 and in turn lower than those computed in the first quarter of 2020 or proportionally (since obviously there has been no past the semester). The amount of the benefit will be 50% of the minimum base of the contribution fee that corresponds to the activity carried out.
It can be accrued with effect from February 1, 2021 and will have a maximum duration of 4 months as long as the application is submitted on the first 21 days of February. If it occurs later, be careful that it can never exceed its duration of May 31.
This is a brief summary, for more details see the Decree
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